© Beaconsfield High School Association. Registered Charity Number: 291078

Beaconsfield High is an outstanding School with exceptional students.

So it deserves more than a regular PTA.  FoBHS exists to raise funds, host events for pupils and parents and to provide a social environment that embraces the local community.

Craig Barrack

Chair of Friends of Beaconsfield High School

Call now: 01494 673 043 or email: fobhs@outlook.com

FoBHS relies entirely on our fabulous volunteers.  Could you get involved?

Beaconsfield High School has an active Parents Association called the Friends of Beaconsfield High School (FoBHS)

The FoBHS provides a link between parents and the school and organises various events throughout the year serving the dual purpose of strengthening the social bonds between parents and raising funds to provide extra items for the students of the school.

Upcoming events organised and run by FoBHS are:

Over the past few years FoBHS has generated funds to finance major projects such as purchasing a mini bus, contributing to building works and a new lighting and PA system for the Main Hall.  It has also helped provide a host of smaller items and opportunities to benefit the students, including entry to drama competitions, kits for sports squads, equipment for the maths department and ICT, refurbishment of the Tower Block toilets, new signs around the school and new furniture for the Learning Resource centre.


The FoBHS committee meets a couple of times each term to plan events and consider how best to support school projects. We would love to hear from you with any ideas to raise even more funds for the school whilst enhancing the relationships in the school community.

If you feel that you might like to get involved in any way or if you would like more details please contact us via the website here.